January 2021
Sr. Director, Strategic Event Production & Operations | Salesforce
CEMA Board of Directors Chairwoman
Goodbye 2020 – HELLO 2021!
Last year was a wild ride and I’m sure you will all join me in waving goodbye to 2020 and welcoming 2021 with open arms! A new year means a fresh perspective, renewed energy and a clean slate. The beginning of the year is also a time to reflect upon lessons learned, identifying the most important nuggets that can be carried forward. A few lessons I’m bringing into 2021:
Cherish every moment: Living through a family health situation in the middle of a global pandemic was hard. Looking back, I will be forever grateful for the time with family that quarantine provided. We were forced to stop and literally smell the roses, found humor in the most mundane things and learned to communicate in new ways.
F2F interactions will NEVER be replaced! As much as we all miss hugging our friends, I found myself reconnecting with friends and family in new and different (virtual) ways, bringing us closer than ever. With that said, in-person moments mean so much more now – and I know we are ALL counting down the days until we can gather in person!
Get outside and move! My morning commute was replaced with a morning walk around the neighborhood. It started as a way to clear my head but quickly became an opportunity to travel to new places and really get to know my town. The added bonus? Being able to really connect with new music, including some of the great tunes we were introduced to during CEMA Summit.
Change is good: Facing the reality that things are changing is never easy. Once I was able to accept the changes that were out of my control and really embrace them, I saw many doors open in unexpected places. Learning new skills, working with new teams, developing new partnerships, discovering treasures that have been hiding in plain sight – all exposing exciting new opportunities!
With 2020 now in the rearview mirror, these are some of the practices I’ll be incorporating into my daily routine. What are you most excited about as we embrace 2021? What unexpected doors were opened for you during 2020?
— Stacey
Congratulations to the new CEMA board!
The new board brings both practical event live-to-digital pivot experience and fresh thinking to CEMA’s growth and innovation initiatives. Under its direction, CEMA will embrace and employ multiple event platforms and channels to create industry-leading educational and professional networking events, and groundbreaking study tours.
The 2021 CEMA Board members comprise senior event marketing executives from marquee brands:
Chairwoman: Stacey Kashubeck, Senior Director Strategic Events, Salesforce
Vice Chairman/Chairman Elect: Paul Coulter, Director of Group Sales, Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin
Secretary: Gordon Stake, Managing Partner, Event Marketing Partners
Newly elected Board Members at Large:
- Amy Walter, Head of Field Marketing & Event Strategy, Atlassian
- Karen Galatis, Senior Director, Corporate Event Marketing, Oracle
- Julie Lynch, Head of Global Events, F5
Board Members completing the second year of their two-year term:
- Colleen Bisconti, VP Global Conferences & Events, IBM
- Jessica Colmenares, Director of Sales, Hilton Worldwide
- Sherri Ferren, SVP Client Success, George P. Johnson
- Maria Grasso, Vice President of Citywide Sales & Convention Services, Philadelphia CVB
- Billi Little, Senior Event Marketing Manager, Symantec
- Sara Straw, Senior Manager Event Strategy, Sage
- Dick Wheeler, President, ProGlobal Events/ ProExhibits
“The CEMA board has guided our association through myriad shifts and disruptions in the industry through the years, and the 2020 Board was instrumental in our successful pivot to digital experiences this year,” said Kimberley Gishler, President & CEO of CEMA. “Our new board is already embracing our 2021 challenge to deliver unique, high-impact experiences to our members in the evolving multichannel event landscape.”
CDC Offers Safety Checklist Among Latest Guidelines for Events
A new readiness-assessment checklist can help planners prepare for safe gatherings in 2021 and beyond…
CEMA Summit Attendance Survey
Our goal at CEMA is to always deliver valuable experiences and thoughtful industry insights to our members. As we approach our annual event in July we want to design the right experience for you.
Please take a few minutes to complete our survey and let us know in what capacity you expect to attend and what topics/issues are top of mind for you. Your response will assist us to deliver the amazing program that you have come to expect from CEMA. As a reminder, our annual event is planned to be held at the Gaylord Rockies in Colorado, July 25-27.
Getting Social in 2021
According to HootSuite’s Social Trends 2021 report “The past year has been a tipping point for baby boomers online… increased time with social media.” We’d like to encourage you to get social with CEMA this year! Please join us to tell your colleagues about CEMA.
Use our key hashtags #CEMAOnline #EventExecs #MeetingProfs in your industry-related social posts and TAG us at @CEMAonline so we can share your relevant content
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter, and like, comment and especially, share our social posts.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cemaonline
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cema-corporate-event-marketing-assoication
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CEMAonline/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cemaonline/
Hybrid Workshops Available in Learning On Demand – FREE to CEMA members
It’s not too late to upskill your hybrid event marketing strategies and tactics with workshops led by CEMA member event executives. You’ll score links to each presentation, step-by-step checklists, and budget templates.
Each workshop is packed with strategies, tactics and examples to manage financially viable, customer-centric hybrid events and will make your 2021 events more successful. The workshop qualifies for CE (CMP) accreditation.
Workshop One: STRATEGY
Develop a hybrid event strategy that includes key components unique to planning hybrid events.
Review the key parts of a hybrid event content plan including appropriate session length, content types, interactive networking and engagement activities, breaks, etc.
Learn about the latest health and safety measures that venues are taking from experts at Marriott and Hilton.
Workshop Two: DATA and TECHNOLOGY
How to choose the right hybrid technology as well as how to choose venues with critical tech capabilities
Evaluate reporting and what KPIs are needed to measure the success of a hybrid event program
Explore how to integrate and use the data collected at hybrid events
Workshop Three: BUDGETING
Expand your reach and attendance with effective audience forecasting and registration pricing models
Review samples of sponsorship opportunities and pricing models
Budget template to be shared post live workshop
30- minute chat forum after session for Q&A
Michael Dominguez, President & CEO of ALHI delivered his detailed industry trends and his forecast for 2021. This is a must-watch informative update on COVID-19, and current, useful information on movement toward live events. Find in the Learning On Demand tab on the website.
CEMA 2021 Calendar — Upcoming Events
February 9th 10 PST – Join this Google led “I am Remarkable” small group webinar for members only (it’s limited to 20 people.) During the 90-minute workshop, you will learn the importance of self-promotion in your personal and professional life and be equipped with tools to develop this skill. Participants will be invited to challenge the social perception around self-promotion. Click here to apply. If it’s full stay tuned as we are offering the session again soon.
February 10th @ – Expert speakers Shane Snow and Jay Acunzo team up to share their ideas on how to amp up virtual meetings and presentations. Join us to see how these noted live presenters blow away the notion that webinars are boring. Learn how to harness the unique engagement tools available in the virtual environment to captivate your audience every minute of your event. It’s free and open to all event professionals so please share with colleagues. Thank you Speak Inc. for sponsoring.
All Webinars now available in one easy to find location
We’ve updated the website to include one section with all the webinars from 2020. Continue to upskill with the presentations you missed on topics from “Wellness in the Storm” to the very useful Hybrid Workshops. All benefits to your CEMA membership. Check it out here https://cemaonline.com/cemalod/
Save the Date
CEMA Summit 2021
Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center, Denver CO.
July 25th – 27th, 2021
We have great things coming in 2021, especially CEMA Summit 2021 at the luxury Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center. We are already visualizing an experience unlike any other, and the chance for some be together in a fabulous location.
2021 CEMA Premium Memberships
Thank you to our Industry Heroes who’ve continued to support our community!
Industry Champions — JiffleNow, WorldStage, Gaylord Hotels.
Gold Members — Marina Bay Sands, Virgin Hotels, Invision, XD Agency, Encore.
Job Opening!
Sr. Marketing Programs Manager, Partners & Strategic Marketing Programs – Cyara